
Arkansas House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban With No Exceptions

lawhawk2/05/2013 11:16:55 am PST

re: #15 Lidane

Israel hasn’t suffered during Obama’s term in office.

Obama might not have a great personal relationship with Israeli PM Netenyahu, but that hasn’t meant that Obama’s prevented arms shipments or stopped development work with the Israelis on the Iron Dome (which deployed faster than the IDF thought due to US assistance) - and which was helpful during the most recent round of fighting in Gaza.

Obama hasn’t forced Israel to cut a deal with the Palestinians.

He hasn’t changed US policy re: the peace process. He hasn’t changed US policy towards development of housing in disputed territories or recognized Hamas as anything other than a terror group.

The differences between Obama and Bush on Israel-US relations is miniscule but that isn’t stopping the nutters from claiming that the relationship has gone to poop.

Obama doesn’t have the cozy relationship with Netenyahu that Bush did, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a working relationship. They do. They see Iran as the kind of regional threat that can cause all kinds of trouble for both Israel and the US interests in the region. They’re far more in agreement than the nutters would care to understand.