
Donald Trump Blames the GOP for Losing Delegates

Agnostick4/13/2016 8:30:14 am PDT

I know that, like most of the threads here, the original topic was abandoned several hours and/or @ 100 posts ago. I just think there are two or three things worth noting.

The Republican Party, at the end of the day, is a private organization. They can do whatever they want. They can change the rules, because they make the rules. They can put a big notice on their website saying, “The first day of the convention in Cleveland, you need to wear a white shirt to get into the main hall.” When that morning rolls around, and everyone is standing outside, in white shirts, waiting to get in, they can grab a bullhorn and announce, “We’ve changed our mind! Everyone needs to go back to their hotel room and change into a red shirt; then, and only then, will we let you in.” It’s 100% legal for them to pull this, and any other shenanigans, they choose.

Some folks may not have packed a red shirt—so they won’t be coming back. They may choose to run out and buy one real quick, or they may decide it’s not worth it. If the RNC leadership pulls this kind of stunt enough times, people will just stop showing up.

The RNC helped put together a series of statewide primary elections and caucuses, encouraging people to participate. People were led to believe that their participation was desired, that their vote mattered in the selection process. If the votes are then circumvented, ignored… what will participation be like the next time?

Say what you will about Trump or “Drumpf” or whatever, but I have yet to receive a decent answer to this question… though I’ve been asking it for several weeks:

If Donald Trump is so bad, how was he able to beat 17, 18 other candidates in one primary contest after another? How, and why, is he still in the game, after Graham, Perry, Walker, Christie, Bush, Fiorina, Carson, Rubio, and others have long gone? Why have all these voters picked Donald Trump? Is it because they actually like Donald Trump, or more because they dislike all the other options?