
Video: How Can There Be Global Warming When It's Snowing Outside?

Dark_Falcon1/17/2010 10:53:07 pm PST

re: #232 YoungLibertarian92

Russia will be using the Blackjack for the next century. They plan on using the Bear until 2052. (HAHA) To me the TU-160 looks like a militarized version of the Concord. I wish I could’ve flown on it. Concord’s speed was wasted on Mobutu and his kleptocracy.

Agreed about the Concord. You’re also right about the Blackjack. The techno geek in me is kind of glad it ultimately found a place for itself, the analytical parts of my brain sometimes wish it had not. As a strike aircraft that thing is deadly. It can carry an immense payload fast and low.