
Video: Sen. Bob Corker's Scathing Comments on Trump: "He Debases Our Country"

ObserverArt10/24/2017 2:00:00 pm PDT

re: #18 MsJ

The problem comes with those who *willl* take the path and win. And then get voted in because they have a R after their names.


I think these moves are going to create more and more Independents and crossover voters.

Sure thing we have a lot of nuts, but there is going to be a shaking out the nuts from the people that are being turned off by all of this. I think Trump is shrinking the party down to just the nuts. So, he may drop from 46% of the vote to somewhere below 40%.

I still have faith there are more normal people in this country than what it seems. Normal people are not as noisy on social media as wingnuts, bigots and other flotsam. I think we sometimes get caught up in the noise and take it for the majority.