
Seth Meyers Weighs in on Trump's Deranged Anti-Press Press Conference

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/09/2018 3:42:51 pm PST

Federalist Lady Says No MAGA Pussy Hat Marches Over Losing The House, Because Wingnuts Are CLASSY

One of the most adorable narratives they’ve tried to The Secret into being lately is the one about how they handle political disappointment normally and non-violently, whereas the left is “unhinged” and full of violent mobs who care about nothing other than cruelly ruining Ted Cruz’s dinner plans. As such, Inez Feltscher Stepman of The Federalist has compiled a very smug top ten list of things we won’t see Republicans doing after losing the House, because of how classy they are.

Spoiler alert: This does not include not threatening a violent overthrow of the government should anyone try to impeach Trump, which has already occurred.

(more at Wonkette, if you couldn’t guess by the headline).