
CNN's Dana Loesch Equates Mandatory Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound to Having Sex

Kragar2/17/2012 6:08:58 pm PST

re: #244 The Ghost of a Flea

Two things:

One, I’m disgusted by this whole matter. On my Facebook I can see physician friends reacting negatively, and the pushback they’re getting from people who, in more delicate words, are saying the same thing as Loesch: that since abortion is an “elective” process that it’s A-OK to stack on a procedure for purely punitive purposes. It’s been a while since I’ve used the word “revanchist” to describe right-wing politics, but it remains apt.

Two: Is the intravaginal ultrasound procedure 100% safe? No chance of anything going wrong? Because to my mind there’s no such thing as a totally safe procedure, and it’s going to be a legal nightmare for the state if something occurs in the course of a “mandated” ultrasound. Not that the people pushing through this bill will think or care about the implications of this…either to the individual subjected or to the larger system that will have to deal with it when something goes (inevitably) wrong.

Before any Viagra prescription can be filled, a scraping of urethra tissue should be taken for testing.