
Here's Why It's Fair--and Necessary--to Call Trump's Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion

lawhawk11/15/2016 12:46:43 pm PST

Maybe start with dropping Breitbart from news. And any clear click bait pieces.

Then again, journalism should go back to basics - who what when why and how. And headlines that match content, instead of screaming click bait that is unsupported by the body of the article.

We saw all of this during the campaign, and nearly all of it was tilted against Clinton, whether it was the email nonsense, or Benghazi, or AP making claims in headlines and tweets that weren’t supported by their underlying article.

Clearly, editors think the bottom line is goosed by running click bait headlines, but they’re misinforming the public, and doing a disservice to the journalists doing the research.

We need more people like Kurt Eichenwald, Sopan Deb, Katy Tur, and David Fahrenthold who are willing to do investigative journalism and the day to day political coverage, and fewer fluff pieces.