
Boy Scouts Chief Offers Weak Non-Apology Apology for Trump's Vulgar Speech at Jamboree

Blind Frog Belly White7/27/2017 3:51:12 pm PDT

In yet other news, Trump told folks in Upstate New York that they should move, leave their homes and families behind, to go where the jobs are.

What’s especially funny about this is that one of the best predictors of Trump support is living within a few miles of where you grew up. Makes sense, right? Trump wasn’t just promising that he’d bring back jobs. He promised to bring back the specific jobs that went away.

Now? ‘Get off your asses and go find the jobs!’

Meanwhile, the other day, Trump was telling folks in Ohio (I think) that all the empty factories were gonna come back and they should just stay where they are, because “we’re gonna bring it all back.”

How fucking stupid do you have to be, exactly, to believe ANYTHING that man says?