
And Now, Donald Trump Announces Plan to Relaunch the Nuclear Arms Race

lawhawk12/22/2016 5:34:05 pm PST

As bad as the Trump nuke tweet was, his later tweets about being able to substitute the F-18 for the F-35 shows just how clueless he and his supporters are.

There’s so much magical thinking and GOP math going on with Trump it’s hard to keep up, but I’ll do my best.

Jim Wright riffed on this earlier - Trump’s proposing billions of dollars of military spending and not a single clue as to how he’ll pay for any of it.

But the thing about modernizing the US nuclear arsenal is that Obama already has that underway. At the same time, Obama’s pushing to reduce the size - both out of necessity (it’s costly) and because he wants to reduce nukes per treaty and future treaty obligations.

Trump also wants to massively expand the military, which again is a cost he can’t cover.

All while giving massive tax breaks to the rich. And burden shifting to everyone else.

The GOP fiscal hawks are going to find themselves doing pretzel logic again to excuse massively ramping up the debt and deficits, especially when the economic growth needed for Trump’s tax scheme don’t materialize (he assumes 4% growth last time I checked, rather than the ~3% we have averaged for the past 2 decades, especially galling considering there’s only a handful of times when the US approached that kind of growth for more than a year).

This is a shitstorm of Trump economic proportions.