
And Now, a Stunning Animated Version of Hieronymous Bosch's "Garden of Earthly Delights"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs2/17/2017 8:29:01 pm PST

I’m so sad. Watching Canadian news makes me want to cry.

A family spent $200 to take a taxi to the Manitoba border to cross into Canada. Four or five in the family. The kids and women got across, Canadian border patrol arresting them straight away (which is how the asylum process begins) but the US border patrol agent (who was an asshole) tried to detain the father. He made a run for it and got into the Canadian BP’s hands (safe) and the Canadian BP tells our BP guy to get out of Canada.

Refugees can’t cross at border crossings because of the agreement between the US and Canada “First Landing” (if they stepped foot into one country first, that’s where they have to stay unless they go thru the immigration process again), so the go through the woods, get arrested and apply for asylum. Asylum from America.