
Video: Stephen Colbert on That Bombshell New York Times Op-Ed

piratedan9/05/2018 10:00:34 pm PDT

tbh… I could give a shit who wrote the memo… it really doesn’t matter to me in the grand scheme of things. What matters to me is that these folks have subverted the constitution in order to continuing to promote and implement their own political agenda.

If Trump is unfit, then declare him so and have him step down and promote the VP into the position. Yes, I understand that Pence doesn’t have an IQ above melted ice cream, but again… that doesn’t matter. You follow the law. You abide by the Constitution. Isn’t that what these fucking originalists were all about?

The GOP (I’m sure) knows what the score is and how we have a “caretaker” government of GOP apparatchiks running the show and despite knowing that this is against the law, so they’re on board with this too…..

Once upon a time, I really thought the GOP was going to generate their own Reichstag fire as an excuse to make all of this permanent, instead, it appears that they’ve chosen a less obvious but just as illegal way to continue to control the process…. they get to let Trump continue to take fire, use him as a prop to continue showing the rubes how persecuted they all are (with Faux telling them said same every damn day) and still all the while, continue to subvert the country and loot us of both our money, and our legal rights….

I’m at the point right now, that I would love Mueller to drop a few more indictments of members of Congress and the Senate and put the motherfucking kibosh on their entire house of cards….