
A Serious Question From Religious Right Caveman Bryan Fischer

GunstarGreen12/17/2012 1:11:04 pm PST

Ed over at Gin and Tacos managed to whip up a post of constructive ideas for dealing with this, given that the gun-crazed right will never allow any truly meaningful firearms regulation legislation to go through.

Essentially, ban the sale of new high-capacity magazines, and offer government (federal and/or local) buyback incentives to turn over existing high-capacity magazines or illegally-modified fully-automatic weapons. No questions asked, just head over to your local police department, drop them off, and get a check.

The idea being that, since people would howl from one end of the nation to the other about restricting the sales of the weapons themselves, few people could justify absolutely needing 30 rounds in a magazine instead of 15. It’s only inconvenience for legitimate gun owners using their weapons for legitimate reasons, but every extra reload a mass-shooter has to go through buys a little more time for the cops and the victims.