
Firefighters Gunned Down in Western New York

Scottish Dragon12/24/2012 11:59:18 am PST

re: #19 Renaissance_Man


If any other entertainment device killed even a tenth as many, it would be gone from American homes.

But guns are not ‘just objects’. They’re religious devices, given mystical powers and feelings. And despite the fact that they serve no function beyond entertainment and are extremely dangerous, Americans continue to insist on having them just because they feel good with them. And nothing changes because of this collective delusion.

It is a national disgrace on par with slavery.

I don’t see how you can conflate the ownership of and tyranny over a living human being with the ownership of a firearm, which is a morally neutral object and utterly inanimate.

We can set limits on what kind of firearms people should have access to, but guns themselves have no intrinsic moral quality.