
Rand Paul a Member of AIDS-Denying Conspiracy Theory Group

SanFranciscoZionist9/27/2010 7:14:51 pm PDT

re: #247 HappyWarrior

I just don’t get their logic:
Some Nazis were Gay
Nazis were bad
Let’s discriminate against gay people.
I mean that’s an even bigger jump to conclusions mat than the guy in Office Space could have made. Seriously the lesson of the Nazis is that you don’t discriminate against people because they’re a different religion, ethnicity, or whatever. Not you discriminate against people because there wre bad people who were a certain thing. Using this stupid logic as I said, we should be forbidding Lutherans to marry or Chinese people to marry because of Mao but we don’t because unlike Bryan Fischer and this stupid pastor, we’re not stupid.

My husband is proposing that white people, by this logic, should also be banned from marriage.

And people with stupid haircuts.