
There's No Conspiracy in the 'Climategate' Emails

soxfan4life12/04/2009 2:48:29 pm PST

re: #246 E.T.

So let’s say for the sake of argument that climate change is real. It will result in the death of millions upon millions and cost trillions of dollars. It will have long lasting implications. Something drastic will have to be done immediately to stop this from happening.

The west is willing to significantly reduce carbon emissions, ok fine. But if China and India won’t play ball then why should we bother? We can’t hope to make up for the carbon that India and China are putting out.

Whats the next step if others don’t play along? .. war?

If the problem is as bad as we are told then the consequences should be as bad for those countries not willing to contribute to a solution… what to do ?

Nuke em and go for nuclear winter over climate change?