
What Violent Right Wing Rhetoric?

SanFranciscoZionist1/08/2011 5:18:48 pm PST

re: #220 elBarto

I believe that people are ultimately responsible for their own actions. If it turns out he is a lefty wacko who thinks she did not go far enough provide health care or some other lefty cause who will you blame then?

People are ultimately responsible for their own actions. However, if it turns out that the shooter was motivated by violent rhetoric from left-wing figures, I will hold THEM accountable for what they said.

See, this is the thing. If the Baader-Meinhof Gang, or the Weathermen, or WTF, come back from the crypt and start spewing hate and blowing shit up, I will not be backing them, because, you see, I am an American liberal, and they are freakazoid assholes, and will be even if I find one or two basic ideas we agree on. If their rhetoric starts to be parroted by Democrats in Washington, I will not vote for those people, and will actively campaign for non-crazy Democrats.

And I certainly won’t be caught dead on LGF pretending that the Weathermen are ‘really a mix’ of extreme right-wing and left-wing ideas, I will just be condemning their asses as radical terrorists. I don’t like radical terrorists.

This isn’t so hard. No conservative is diminished by the actions of radical wingnuts. It’s a fucking radical wingnut! But pretending that there is no problem, that the rhetoric isn’t out there, that it isn’t bad, and that we don’t have a problem, is just plain dumb.