
Sean Hannity Interviews an "Expert" on the Murder of Steve Sotloff: Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson

Birth Control Works9/03/2014 8:13:28 am PDT

re: #247 ObserverArt

Yep. I always associate late August and September with Yellow Jackets. And I am guessing there is a nest in the ground somewhere below the tree and some kind of a sweet food source nearby. They are in Yellow Jacket heaven.

Watch your food and drinks…they love to get into glasses and cans. And of course always remember they are a pain in the butt, easy to get pissed off and unlike a honey bee, they can sting repeatedly.

Get a can of wasp spray. You may need it.

Other than the finch food, there isn’t anything sweet around (‘ceptin’ me).

Maybe commercial finch food is coated with honey or something???