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darthstar5/22/2016 1:10:50 pm PDT

re: #253 goddamnedfrank

If you’re worried about online bitching from Sanders fans, you’re worried about the wrong thing. Reich is right - work like hell for Hillary because this election isn’t going to be won on Twitter.

David Atkins has a good piece linked below in his tweet. It’s worth a read. Granted, most people are committing to virtual battles - I’ve waged a few myself this cycle - but if they’re serious about wanting her to win, they’ll do more than that.

In other words, Trump will try to convince apathetic conservative that Clinton will turn America into a gun-free Venezuelan socialist despotism, while Clinton will try to convince apathetic liberals that Trump will turn America into an unstable, trigger-happy fascist dictatorship. Clinton will use Trump’s lascivious past against him, even as Trump brings up decades of unsavory personal Clinton associations. It’s going to a very nasty affair. The one big advantage Democrats will have is a probable surge in the Latino vote out of genuine self-preservation.

In the meantime, the election will actually be won not in the air, but on the ground. The ugliness on the air will depress turnout even further, which will require campaign organizers to depend on millions of face-to-face conversations with voters on the fence about whether to vote at all.