
Sen. Inhofe Says US is 'Reaching a Revolution'

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/28/2009 10:33:06 am PDT

re: #216 Wendya

You are allowing your emotions to dictate his intent.

You are allowing your blind obedience to party loyalty to blind you to his game. I suppose that you are right in the sense that he doesn’t really want an insurrection. He just wants to threaten it as a base political move, without thinking of the potential consequences of a man in his office saying such stuff might have.

G-d forbid he sees that he is part of a machine that legitimatizes bringing weapons to political rallies.

G-d forbid you see that you are doing the same by defending him at all.

I get very emotional about preserving America. You are correct about that. So stop aiding and abetting snakes who would tear the nation I love down.

Not on my watch.