
The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Achilles Tang1/28/2013 7:43:15 pm PST

re: #187 stabby

FemNaziBitch, one problem is that it can take decades of experience to be reliable at distinguishing reliable sources from polemicists and paranoids.

The problem with both is that they’re good at making you feel fear, and thus taking over your mind.

Seriously, when you think there’s danger somewhere, then your mind is FOCUSED and stuck, and all finer emotions and interests are swept under the rug. Even TV suspense drama can do that to you - day after day after day….

I was perhaps 12 or so when I decided that this god stuff I heard in Sunday School was silly, but I was still, briefly, taken in by Uri Geller bending spoons with his mind by the time I was 20, and much much later I was, briefly, taken in by Palin/McCain.

Now, with all that behind me I am so smart I will never ever be taken in by anything that isn’t true.