
Fantastic Four #45, December 1965: "Among Us Hide ... the Inhumans!"

Killgore Trout12/25/2012 10:25:59 am PST

Egypt constitution approved with 63.8 percent: election committee
Some people are pretty excited about it….
Salafi preacher applauds freedom restrictions in the constitution

In a symposium for scientists and preachers on the draft constitution held in late November, Salafi preacher and Al-Nour party member Yasser Borhami praised the draft constitution, saying that it “includes full restrictions which never existed in earlier Egyptian constitutions.”

Citing article 10 of the constitution which states, “the state and society shall be keen on preserving the authentic characteristic of the Egyptian family,” Borhami said, “This is an extremely important article since it places restrictions on freedom of thought, expression and creativity.” He added that non-Islamist representatives within the constituent assembly rejected the article and wished to remove the words “and society”.

“Even if they do so,” Borhami argued, “the parliament still counts as one of the state’s associations. The parliament can easily draft and pass the accountability act. Thus, we shall achieve our aims.” The accountability act he referred to is a law which establishes the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (CPVPV).