
Donald Trump Calls Conspiracy-Monger Alex Jones to Thank Him, Promises to Go on His Show Soon

lawhawk11/14/2016 7:16:43 am PST

Van Jones is right - up until the point he downplays the fact that Trump has been a bigot in this campaign from day one. He’s surrounded himself with bigots and white nationalists.

Media types have cleaned up his bigot brigade - calling themselves alt-right, when they’re white nationalists and white supremacists. This is part and parcel of the Trump message. It’s inseparable.

It’s why Trump connected with people on the economic messaging - because Trump exploited The Other - Mexicans, illegals, PoC, Muslims, and the white nationalists/supremacists responded favorably and are among his loudest supporters.

And for him to claim that Bernie and Trump have a shared message ignores that the same bigotry was part of Bernie’s supporters too - they too dismissed and ignore PoC. That’s why Clinton won the nomination - and why she got more votes in the general election than Trump. They just didn’t get her the EC 270 needed to win.