
And Now, the Great Tommy Emmanuel Live: "The Mystery"

Birth Control Works6/17/2017 11:03:34 am PDT

re: #247 Blind Frog Belly White

If Trump’s success has proved anything, it’s that it’s not really about ideology. I think the better way to look at ‘social conservatism’ is less as conservatism and more as the preservation of privilege and position.

Example - Homosexuality, especially male homosexuality, makes a lot of straight people uncomfortable, even downright queasy. The thing about privilege is that you think you shouldn’t be required to accept that which makes you uncomfortable. So, you say, “It’s WRONG! It’s UNNATURAL! It’s EVIL!!”, and if one political side supports equality for gays, they must be BAD!

Goes for everything. People with privilege don’t think they should have to put up with lots of Those People moving into their towns, having to press 1 for English, etc.


This I’ll never understand. But a man who is perceived as weak will be devoured by stronger men.

In an old privately owned health club/community center they had a separate entrance and area in the locker rooms for old men. We did’t have such a thing in the ladies. Never imagined such a thing. I guess old men appear weak and are especially susceptible to violence by young testosterone filled men. There is no such phenom with women. We look to our old women as mentors.