
WATCH LIVE: DOJ Inspector General Testifies About FBI's Investigation of Trump Campaign [VIDEO]

Sherlock Hound12/11/2019 5:08:24 pm PST

Has anyone gotten an accurate, impartial crowd count for Trump’s most recent rally in Hershey, PA?

I ask, because I was listening to ham radio for a bit, and I overheard an op who went to the rally. He described the woman who was removed (and described what he would do instead!)

According to him, there were 25,000 in the hall and 5,000 outside. We’ve taken it for granted that Trump doesn’t get many attendees at his rallies. I just wonder if this is whistling past the graveyard?

(Aside: I continue to be dismayed at how many radio hobbyists are hard-conservative Trumpers. Anymouse is one of the few hams I know with compatible politics to me.)