
The New Yorker: How Trump Could Get Fired

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/04/2017 12:33:35 pm PDT

re: #252 Clearly a Country For Sick Old Haters

You’re right of course. There were much more reactionary times in history. We’re just in the immediate reaction phase to seeing critical parts of our society temporarily collapse.

And I get that. It sucks. I am not exactly a font of optimism. But what I also know is that wallowing in despair is not productive. That if all you do is sit and nurse the outrage and the hate GUESS WHAT that is what you feel. We know this. That’s what Fox does. And how the fuck does that improve anyone’s life? It doesn’t. It’s not healthy.

So I am pushing for critical thinking, and building resiliency, and self-care, because this is going to be a long fight and if you burn out now you’re going to be useless down the road. Take a day and cope if you need to but this fight isn’t over. Treating it like it is guarantees a loss though.