
Today Donald Trump Retweeted 3 Anti-Muslim Propaganda Videos From a British Fascist Group

electrotek11/29/2017 3:26:49 pm PST

So Swedish group The Knife’s Olof Dreijer has decided “not to perform in Israel”

His position aside, why does Israel get singled out more than other countries? I can think of other countries that are FAR worse in human rights than Israel where musicians have no problem performing gigs in, such as Georgia, Russia, Egypt, Turkey, Hungary, Mexico, or Thailand. Or Hell, even America under our Pumpkin Pinochet here, so why not be principled and apply it on a wide scale instead of just solely Israel?

Again, I’m not saying Israel is not guilty of crimes committed, but I’m just speaking of the double standard here.

It’s like singling out Turkey for genocide denial but turning a blind eye to genocide denial by Japan or Serbia.