
About Glenn Beck's Extremist Rhetoric

Soona'4/07/2009 5:30:59 pm PDT

re: #211 jcm

Nope can’t say that at all. The voices that were heard and heeding were not however.

Paine, Jefferson, and John Adams carried the day. The more volatile Sam Adams was secondary in the events.

The arguments that carried the day were articulate, cogent and in final analysis mostly factual. The grievances in the Declarations of Independence were not conspiracies.

But there were people in that august body of men that had some pretty far out opinions on how things should be run, and you can’t tell me that they didn’t go out into the public and voice them. Ben Franklin comes to mind that fits that category. If we just smile and sit around with our thumbs up our moderate, collective ass’ to wait for the perfect candidate to roll into town will only keep us in the same intolerable unwinnable rut.