
Google Starts Caring About Child Porn

GunstarGreen11/20/2013 6:34:16 am PST

Everyone can agree that the abuse of children is an abhorrent act that cannot be supported by any reasonable person, and must be stopped.

But I think folks should not be so gung-ho about the implementation of measures to control what kinds of information you have access to over the internet. CP is a crime and all involved should be prosecuted to the fullest, maximum extent allowed by the law. But a search company that can decide to hide one class of information from you can decide to hide other classes of information from you.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The people that came up with the ideas and infrastructure for the internet did not forsee it being used as a vector to spread and support crime. The people that came up with the ideas and infrastructure for censoring the internet did not forsee it being used as a method to suppress non-criminal information.