
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton6/25/2010 7:26:27 am PDT

re: #246 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Thought about you yesterday. Was in the self check-out at Kroger. The dude on duty basically checked me out. I was… perplexed.

Those beeps, those lights, those buttons; they frighten and confuse me.

And to further enlighten you on the topic of U-scan… some pointers. Don’t try to check out a weeks worth of groceries. If you look at the sign, it says, “express - 15 items or less.” U-scan is not really designed to to a cart full of groceries. The staging area what holds your scanned items is only designed for 4 plastic bags and an area for larger items like soda cartons. As soon as you fill up that area, and try to remove bags to make more room, U-scan locks up and “beeps” the attendant.

For a matter of fact, you are not suppose to remove any items until AFTER they are paid for. Moving them around, removing them, putting a handbag or wallet on the staging area, any of those action will cause the U-scan station to lock up and notify the attendant.

(Walter’s U-scan Tip #1)

Any questions?