
Herman Cain Don't Read

Birth Control Works11/17/2011 8:45:19 pm PST

re: #254 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

HC is just a symbol to them. Herman Cain, the person, would be just another n***** if he didn’t spout stupidity like SS and progressive income tax IS THE PLANTATION hurr hurr…

Stupid con dupes…this has been their front runner for the past two months. /Schadenfreude

People equate corporations with plantations in this scenerio. I can see it, a bit.

Cain was/is successful in Cowboy type-business venture. More power to him. If that is is goal, congrats!

Wingnuts just have to find a way to turn it into a “real black” thing. I don’t get it. I’m truly suprised they haven’t had him appear in a cowboy hat and revolver at a turkey shoot. gah