
Seth Meyers: Great Vaccine News Has Everyone Asking When Life Will Return to Normal

ericblair2/25/2021 12:12:42 am PST

Now that the Putin regime knows that Amnesty can be bullied, this will be the first of many political U-turns.

Navalny has said a lot of nasty nationalist shit in the past. Not anymore, but I assume he’s still a Russian nationalist in the way Putin isn’t. Putin doesn’t give a shit about any resident of Russia besides himself, so he’s very egalitarian that way, but he’s quite happy to support fascist parties all over the world if they suit his purposes.

Navalny is not a tool of the West. He’s Russian, and in the (IMO) unlikely event that he gained political power he’d advance Russian interests, though without all the corruption and invading neighbors, most likely.

His history was well known before now, but Amnesty got what they know was a coordinated troll attack to discredit him, and Amnesty just then decided that Navalny broke their rules and gave in. I assume that the Ukrainians and Syrian White Helmets are next.