

Cato the Elder2/03/2010 12:26:34 am PST

re: #24 Lidane

There’s just one problem with this— I don’t trust the Texas Legislature to be able to decide what behavior is stupid and what isn’t, especially since they only meet every other year as it is.

Given our current governor and his idiocy, and the general quality of folks in the Lege, I’d rather take my chances without that law. With my luck, they’d execute people for stupidity and then hand over the switch to the dumbest among us, just like they’ve done with education in this state. No thanks =P

OK. Then make it a federal matter, create a Washington agency (DSAD, Department of Stupidity Agency Department), introduce mandatory minimum sentences for various degrees of stupid behavior, enact a “three strikes” law, and watch the stupidity statistics do a reverse hockey stick.

It’s worked so well against marijuana, why not give it a try for recidivist morons?