
Frum Fallout Continues

mph3/26/2010 9:42:06 am PDT

Some additional context on the AEI would be helpful. Ostensibly, they aim to promote free markets and democracy across the world. I believe it was Frum’s argument that the American right could learn from Canada’s conservative party (i.e. accept socialized health as a reality) that essentially outlined views alternative AEI’s founding values — so of course the donors are not going to want to fund such views. In this case, it was Frum who changed publicly stated views, not the AEI.

I like David Frum and generally appreciate his opinions and exposure of the paleocon fringes of the Republican party…but in this case, respect the fact that the AEI is not necessarily trending fringe…..(unless, of course, you consider being against Obamacare to be fringe).