
Assange, Rape, Feminism and the Left

Dark_Falcon8/25/2012 4:09:21 pm PDT

re: #24 ErikJ76

Even if she doesn’t, what of it? Assange’s actions have actions damaged America’s national security, and his aims run at cross purposes to those of America’s. As an American, it would be hard for SFZ to be objective about that. As for me, I’ll go one past that and say that I’m not objective when it comes to Julian Assange. I hate him, and will normally assign the worst interpretations of his actions that the evidence will support.

And lastly is the fact that Julian Assange exudes the sort of arrogance that makes him entirely believable as a rapist. Assange is the kind of man just has to have it all his own way, and those who disagree with him are either dupes, shills, or just plain evil. I can easily see him taking that air of entitlement into the bedroom, with ugly consequences for the woman whose wishes don’t match up with his own.