
Weathergirl Goes Rogue

palomino9/09/2012 6:48:50 pm PDT

After being unable to list one single tax deduction/exemption he wants to remove, Romney claims the following about his tax plan:

“Well, I can tell you that people at the high end, high income taxpayers, are going to have fewer deductions and exemptions,” he said. “Those numbers are going to come down. Otherwise they’d get a tax break. And I want to make sure people understand, despite what the Democrats said at their convention, I am not reducing taxes on high income taxpayers.”

If he’s not reducing taxes on the highest earners, how is his overall tax plan supposed to “unleash the job creators” so they’ll have extra revenue to hire new workers? In the “rising tide lifts all boats” supply side analogy, the rising tide is increased wealth for the highest earners in the form of tax cuts. If there’s no such thing in his tax plan, what’s the point? How is it any better, from a gop point of view, than the Bush tax system we have now?