
J. D. Hayworth: I Am Schtoopid

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/15/2010 2:20:54 pm PDT

re: #260 Aceofwhat?

Gay people don’t proseltyize. They do say it’s okay to be gay.

However, if a person has solely homosexual or heterosexual desires, there is no ‘preferable’ state. The state simply is what it is.

Then I have no clue what you’re trying to shield them from. I also have no clue why you think gay people— or anybody— want to teach that being gay is as common as being heterosexual.

Tolerance and love of people regardless of their sexual choices ≠ extolling the virtues of all possible sexual choices to one’s children.

What choice are you talking about here? The choice to actually act on one’s homosexuality?

There is nothing virtuous or invirtuous about a homosexual choosing to have sex with another homosexual. Nor is there anything virtuous about a heterosexual choosing to have sex with another heterosexual.

So where does this ‘extolling the virtue’ thing come in?