
President Apologizes for Air Force One Overflight

lawhawk4/28/2009 9:49:21 am PDT

re: #190 tfc3rid

TRACAN, LGA, EWR, and JFK all had to know because the plane had to be routed through the most traveled airspace in the country. The FAA had to know - and indeed did know. It was deemed that AF1 was in NY airspace on a need to know. The public apparently didn’t need to know.

I’m not sure why the WH /US AF felt it necessary to update the file photos in any event since there wasn’t anything that had changed. Did they want higher resolution photos? If that was the case, why not wait until AF1 was in NY on official business, or if they were going to do what they did yesterday - at least announce it. People always get a kick out of AF1 when they see it (and know that it’s coming).