
Overnight Open Thread

Decatur Deb2/18/2010 7:28:58 am PST

re: #235 Jadespring

I’m the similar. I’ve worked in a union job when out of the blue management started to try to pull some really hinky stuff that really started screwing people. If it had been like other jobs I had before there wasn’t much you could do about it. Having a union to help sort the mess out was invaluable.

In another job I was management and had the pleasure of being part of the negotiating team when a union contract was up for renewal. Pissed me right off with some of what happened and even moreso because I generally okay with unions. What the heck are you guys doing here, it was ridiculous!

In another job employee relations and benefits with a multi-million dollar company were great. It was an awesome place to work. One year some union organizers showed up and everyone just basically told them to screw off. It just wasn’t necessary with the way the company was ran.

In another one, again a multi-million dollar company the company culture was absolutely disgusting and there was a lot of base exploitation that happened. If there was any job that I felt spoke to why unions weren’t the suck that was it.

So yeah. Mixed bag here

Unions are vitally necessary until they succeed, then they become unnecessary and fail, then they become necessary.