
Video: Sassy Trump Explains His Fabulous Religious Faith

Citizen K4/18/2017 10:34:41 am PDT

re: #147 Jenner7

Ugh. I really cannot deal with twitter today. Non stop bullshit from this Hillary hate book.

Same here. I just…

People are more intent on trying to be proven justified for their Hillary Hate than actually trying to fight Trump. They want to tear her legacy and anyone who dared say a kind word about her down completely, even if it means the GOP becomes a permanent majority as a result. They don’t want to win, they want to be “right”, even if they’re absolutely wrong.

And god help me, it feels like the part of my generation that hasn’t decided to embrace full on 4Chan Fascism is full on Berner instead. Like…it’s pulling teeth trying to find anyone who doesn’t require disavowing Hillary as a prerequisite for political agreement among my contemporaries at this point, and it depresses me. I have lost any and all hope for millennials at this point. Yeah, we’re a lot more diverse, but that demographic inevitability that used to be talked about ain’t gonna pan out, especially with Trump and Co. dead set on ensuring only white votes count, and doing a damn good job so far of terrorizing PoCs enough to make good on that.