
A Stunning Time-Lapse Short Film From the Atacama Desert: "NOX ATACAMA"

Citizen K9/04/2017 11:17:58 am PDT

I don’t know what can be done about this country at this point.

There seems like there’ll never be any reckoning on race properly, ever. Even if the number of overt racists shrinks, the number of covert ones and enablers simply grows and lets the overt ones win the fuck out anyway, and if you try to change any of it, you get stomped on with the total hate, anger, spite, and fervor of America’s true racist face, and you end up turned into the eternal enemy forever, thus everything you say, no matter how true or insightful, becomes ‘everything this country stands against forever, you super-bigot!!’ Meanwhile, the actual racists that seem not to rest until the total purge of any aspect of non-white anything, get apologia after apologia after apologia, because fuck it, and face it. They really ARE “America”. They will apparently and forever be the only America that matters, because too much of the rest of America will always protect them over the people they punch down at.

Sigh…I know this is another one of my bouts of cynicism and pessimism fighting through, but fuck all…it seems like no matter how much shit piles up, one mild scapegoat later and most of America rushes to defend the atrocities on the right and or treat the entire left as the existential enemy of All America, forever and anon. And fighting back just makes them fucking hate you all the more where the right can kill, purge, steal, etcl to their hearts content and they remain fucking America’s Sweethearts who just need to show they can pet a dog once in a while to get people to fall in love with them all over again.