
In the Trump Era, Rep. Steve King Has Gone Full-on White Supremacist

Mike Lamb1/10/2019 2:26:29 pm PST

I listened to an interview on NPR with Rep. Will Hurd (R). I believe his district is the strip that runs along the Texas-Mexico border starting around the El Paso area. He was actually pretty reasonable as it relates to the current stand-off. He doesn’t believe there needs a to be a wall across the entire border, that some select areas might benefit from a physical barrier, that remote areas require a more high tech approach, etc. He seemed to hint at creating a path to citizenship, while also addressing the humanitarian concerns in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras that incentivize the migration. He’s also one of the few in the House that have voted against his caucus.

Question: is he generally reasonable or just on this narrow issue?