
There's No Conspiracy in the 'Climategate' Emails

HoosierHoops12/04/2009 2:53:01 pm PST

re: #235 Aceofwhat?

Yeah, there was more. None of it made the reader believe that the environment wasn’t doing 10x better than one would have expected 20 years ago.

Disagree, if you want, but I’ve been linking and quoting the whole time. It’s your turn.

I spent 20 years working in the Nuclear Field…There are issues with power plants that can be fixed over a period of time…I’ve posted many here before…
Training, Safety, Designs etc
I’ll give you one…The private nuclear industry is all about profits.. They will zoom their workers for a buck and buck safety issues..
For instance.. In a Navy reactor we would shut down the reactor and Eddy current and inspect the primary bundle at certain periods written in stone period.
The private industry…Fuck it we need to keep making bucks to pay the share owners…
There are solutions, We can use nuclear energy to power America.. But we must take the long view and educate America about an overarching strategy.. There are solutions if we don’t bury our heads in the sand