
Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

stabby1/09/2013 11:44:10 pm PST

re: #259 Lidane

Also, this bit of derp is making the rounds on FB courtesy of that twit Victoria Jackson. Apparently she has a talk show:


Why is it that these super religious people are less generous, more greedy and hate their neighbors more than normal people?

It occurred to me today that as much as the right wing christians tell people that they should be totally independent, and take no responsibility for the environment nor the welfare of their country nor its people, on the other hand they insist that people be 100% dependent, infantilized in fact, depending on a fictional God to take care of one’s every need.

So people are to be responsible for nothing and no one, and God is ordered to be responsible for everyone and everything… What a paradox. How would they know if God told them to fuck off and take care of their responsibilities themselves?