
New Audio Excerpts From Woodward's Book: Trump Says, "Nothing More Could Have Been Done" About COVID as He Obsesses Over the Stock Market

ipsos9/14/2020 4:26:08 pm PDT

It’s important to remember that 2020 isn’t 2008 or 2000 or 1980.

When the polls close in Florida, whether it’s 8 or 9 ET, there might still be a couple of hours when polls in the west remain open…

…except that Oregon is now entirely vote by mail, and Washington, California and Nevada will be heavily vote by mail this year too.

And the three coastal states have no suspense to them. You could call them for Biden now, just as you can call ID, UT, WY, MT for Trump and CO and NM for Biden.

So now we’re down to just two states - NV and AZ - and a vanishingly small number of theoretical hesitant undecided voters who won’t have made up their minds by 7 PM MT on the last day of voting season?

Not buying it as a big factor this time around.