
ACORN Review Finds No Illegality

lostlakehiker12/07/2009 4:34:29 pm PST

re: #1 WindUpBird

Aaaand cue the ACORN hate-for-all…now!

What’s not to love? Phony voters? Check. Multiple registrations under various names of real persons? Check. Shell games with financing? Check, check, and check. This is an organization to make every Chicagoan-at-heart proud.

Take, by contrast, little stories of true community organizing. Here and there, volunteers staff safe-ride-home programs for those who have drunk more than they planned and find themselves stranded at the bar. This saves lives. What does ACORN save? What tangible works do they have, other than a tainted registration drive?

Oh, and it’s not a Bill of Attainder when Congress de-funds a program. Congress can fund a program, or not fund it, for any reason or for none at all. Much of what they do fund is funded without any real reason that they would care to name, after all.