
Herman Cain Don't Read

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/17/2011 8:51:32 pm PST

re: #259 ggt

People equate corporations with plantations in this scenerio. I can see it, a bit.

Cain was/is successful in Cowboy type-business venture. More power to him. If that is is goal, congrats!

Wingnuts just have to find a way to turn it into a “real black” thing. I don’t get it. I’m truly suprised they haven’t had him appear in a cowboy hat and revolver at a turkey shoot. gah

Oh, give it time.

Wingnuts just have to find a way to turn it into a “real black” thing. I don’t get it.

It’s just butthurt. They covet the numbers of our voting bloc, but their generations-old conditioning will always have them lapsing into insults and browbeating (i.e. you’re DUMB because you don’t vote for our segregationists!) when it comes to their general approach to Black Americans.

Having an actual constituency will drive the stupid race-hysterical white cons to the Constitution Party or into the loving arms of the Campaign for Liberty.

So, the GOP has mopped themselves into a corner of their own making. HC is taking advantage of them. A part of me finds it kind of hilarious, what he is doing to them.

/personal view