
American Basic Income: An End to Poverty?

kirkspencer11/18/2013 8:32:26 am PST

I see the moral problem poked its head up. Moral as in (paraphrase) “those lazy people won’t bother to work.”

May I offer a single subset? Single mothers will be able to stay home and raise their children, being there for support. And they’ll be able to do so without worrying about making too much.

At a slightly higher level, a mother and father don’t have to work two part-time jobs apiece never having time for their kids.

Artists who aren’t yet good enough for Big Income can afford to practice and practice and become good enough.

My problem with the ‘lazy people won’t work’ argument is that there’s little support, and a great deal of the support uses rather restricted definitions for ‘work’. Such as everyone /saying/ that a mother raising kids is work, but in practice it’s not because it’s neither counted nor paid.