
A Christmas Gift for Atheists -- Five Reasons Why God Exists

CuriousLurker12/18/2013 9:16:38 am PST

re: #26 Stoatly

I apologize for the slow response, sometimes life gets in the way.

What complicates this is that for some Atheism is a Faith - and behave as evangelically and closed-mindedly as any religious nut

Ah yes, those would be the ones I’ve come to think of as Westboro atheists.

They are probably who you notice most - and who are the first to engage you in argument, but don’t mistake volume with depth (Ok, I’m telling you what you already know, I’m sure you wince every time a “Muslims call for X” headline turns out to be just Anjem Choudary, again)

LOL, exactly. As with their Christian, Jewish, and Muslim counterparts, I’ve learned to simply refuse to interact with them. Thankfully, they seem to be in the minority.

Thanks for taking time to calmly explain what makes you bristle and what your philosophy is, as well as reminding me that not everyone is American or views religion/unbelief the way we do. You’ve given me several things to ponder. ;)