
Sullivan on Breitbart

researchok6/30/2010 4:40:41 pm PDT

Breitbart is an ass.

He is deliberately conflating Sullivan’s bad acts with his own, implying a kind of equivalence.

Sullivan may be an ass (his treatment of Palin has been nothing short of shameful and despicable) but he only undermined himself. Breitbart is attempting to undermine private communications for no other reason than to threaten those he disagrees with.

Sullivan may at be be off the rails. Breitbart is a bully and no more. His actions call into question whatever minimum of journalistic credibility he had left.

He is using his bully pulpit in the same way Julius Striecher used Der Sturmer to threaten and intimidate opponents of the Reich and anyone or group he thought was a danger to his ideology.

His antithesis to CJ and LGF is also easily understood. CJ sees right through him- and sees him exactly for what he is- a moral fraud.

Let’s just say he isn’t as big as he wants everyone to believe.

Breitbart will hurt anyone in his way, like any bully. The right had better learn that soon. He is no friend to integrity.