
Gun Control: Don't Fall for the 'Mental Health' Diversion

Dr Lizardo12/16/2012 11:48:25 am PST

The one thing I find so ironic in all the RW’s newfound concern for mental health is the funding issue.

Where do they think the money’s going to come from to pay for all this mental health?

Furthermore, for all the screaming about “mental health”, I wonder how many of them possess the self-awareness to realize the depths of the paranoia that so many of them subscribe to? Some of these folks believe that President Obama is going to “take ‘way their gunz!” or believe in assorted and insane conspiracy theories regarding not only President Obama, but a good many other things as well.

How would many of the RW’s feel about me, as a Muslim, being armed? And I do possess a shotgun, to be perfectly honest, which I employ for pheasant hunting. What do they think of that?

Personally, when I read the rantings of an Alex Jones or Pamela Geller, I can assure you that in my opinion, they’re the ones who are mentally disturbed. I would be quite concerned about them having access to anything more lethal than a wooden butter-knife from IKEA.